Ranked as one of the best children’s indoor play centers and birthday facilities, we provide creative and stylish parties for boys and girls living in the Chicago Area.
RT @VincentR Social nerworking sites and the production of social capital: http://tinyurl.com/cohqch looks good (via @memeticbrand) [from http://twitter.com/jomiralb/statuses/1216857682]
Many sources, including Wikipedia and the Web site of the University of Chicago’s admissions department, describe the school as having been founded by John D. Rockefeller in 1890. I challenge the university to provide legal evidence that Rockefeller founded it rather than simply giving it a substantial endowment.
P. Moreira, Y. Bizzoni, K. Nielbo, I. Lassen, and M. Thomsen. Proceedings of the The 5th Workshop on Narrative Understanding, page 25--35. Toronto, Canada, Association for Computational Linguistics, (July 2023)
G. Kamberelis, and M. Albert. Shaping the Reading Field: The Impact of Early Reading Pioneers, Scientific Research, and Progressive Ideas, International Reading Association, Published: Paperback.(December 2006)