Wikileaks avslöjanden drabbar nu även i viss mån den ryska eliten. Av den senaste skörden offentliggjorda telegram framgår att Ryssland varit berett att avstå från att leverera mot S-300 missiler till Iran i utbyte mot USA:s godkännande av ett ryskt köp
AP "Given Russia’s hostile actions in Ukraine, business as usual is unacceptable,” Coats said in a statement. "With American credibility and the future of the international order on the line, our actions should reflect that. This specific economic sanction will harm Russian interests in a serious way without damaging America’s economy.""
09TELAVIV2757 2009-12-22 09:09 SECRET Embassy Tel Aviv: MOD Political-Military Chief Amos Gilad described recent Russian cooperation on Iran as encouraging, but expressed reservations that Russia would join in any sanctions against Iran. He explained