This book is an interactive introduction to the theory and applications of complex functions from a visual point of view. However, it does not cover all the topics of a standard course. In fact, it is a collection of selected topics and interactive applets that can be used as a supplementary learning resource by anyone interested in learning this fascinating branch of mathematics.
PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] 13.11.2019— Nearly two decades after New York’s Twin Towers fell on 9/11, the estimated cost of America’s counterterrorism efforts stands at $6.4 trillion.
That’s according to a Nov. 13 report released by the Costs of War project based at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University.
According to the report, since late 2001, the United States has appropriated and is obligated to spend $6.4 trillion on counterterrorism efforts through the end of 2020. An estimated $5.4 trillion of that total has funded, and will continue to fund, counterterrorism wars and smaller operations in more than 80 countries; an additional minimum of $1 trillion will provide care for veterans of those wars through the next several decades.
The Costs of War Project is a team of 35 scholars, legal experts, human rights practitioners, and physicians, which began its work in 2011. We use research and a public website to facilitate debate about the costs of the post-9/11 wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.
Review of Yasha Levine's book Surveillance Valley. The secret military history of the Internet. " It tells a story about Silicon Valley that really isn’t told enough, and it points out some really unpleasant – but, alas, all too true – aspects of the technology that we have all come to depend on. Google, the “cool” and “progressive” do-good-company, in fact a military contractor that helps American drones kill children in Yemen and Afghanistan? As well as a partner in predictive policing and a collector of surveillance data that the NSA may yet try to use to control enemy populations in a Cybernetics War 2.0? The Tor Project as paid shills of the belligerent US foreign policy? And the Internet itself, that supposedly liberating tool, was originally conceived as a surveillance and control mechanism?"
By John Scales Avery TFF Associate John Scales Avery presents his latest book on one of the most destructive institutions in modern societies and of our time. I would like to announce the publication of a new book entitled “The Devil's Dynamo”. It is a collection of articles and book chapters that…
Bevisene som gjorde at FN gjenopptok undersøkelsene ble lagt fram i boka «Who killed Hammarskjöld» av Susan Williams i 2014. Hennes undersøkelser viser med stor tydelighet at vestmaktene og viktige finansinteresser må ha stått bak nedskytinga av Hammarskiölds fly for å bevare sin kontroll over Kongo og landets enorme rikdommer. Tidligere undersøkelser bærer preg av å dekke over fakta framfor å grave dem fram.
Google henchwoman Anne-Marie Slaughter has shown far too openly how Google is throwing its money and weight around in DC.
"The good news is that Schmidt’s and Slaughter’s backfire won’t just dent her but has put a long-overdue spotlight on how much power Google and tech titans wield in the Beltway and how too few people have been willing to stand up to them. The fact that the New York Times ran a detailed, well-reported piece against Google when the editorial policies of its business section have moved strongly towards being even more pro-corporate, suggests that the Times and other media outlets have finally woken up to the threat that Google’s power over the Internet represents to them. The Times might have thought the way that Google was stomping on small blogs and politically-oriented YouTube channels was irrelevant to them. But the Google initiative to punish even major publishers like the Los Angeles Times for what Google deems to be too much ad clutter means Google has now taken the position that it can be the arbiter of what ads websites can run, which is tantamount to saying it can choke down their revenues. For anyone paying attention, this is a death threat."