M. Zapf, and T. Weise. The Third International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems (IWSOS'08), page 299--304. Springer-Verlag GmbH: Berlin, Germany, (2008)
M. Zapf, and T. Weise. Kasseler Informatikschriften (KIS), 2008, 5. University of Kassel, Fachbereich 16: Elektrotechnik/Informatik: Kassel, Hesse, Germany, (2009)
T. Weise, M. Zapf, and K. Geihs. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems (BIONETICS'07), page 8--15. IEEE Computer Society: Piscataway, NJ, USA, (2007)
T. Weise. University of Kassel, Fachbereich 16: Elektrotechnik/Informatik, Distributed Systems Group: Kassel, Hesse, Germany, (2009)Won the Dissertation Award of The Association of German Engineers (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, VDI)..