M-Lab provides the largest collection of open Internet performance data on the planet. As a consortium of research, industry, and public-interest partners, M-Lab is dedicated to providing an ecosystem for the open, verifiable measurement of global network performance. Real science requires verifiable processes, and M-Lab welcomes scientific collaboration and scrutiny. This is why all of the data collected by M-Lab’s global measurement platform are made openly available, and all of the measurement tools hosted by M-Lab are open source. Anyone with time and skill can review and improve the underlying methodologies and assumptions on which M-Lab’s platform, tools, and data rely. Transparency and review are key to good science, and good science is key to good measurement.
Gephi is an open-source software for visualizing and analyzing large networks graphs. Gephi uses a 3D render engine to display graphs in real-time and speed up the exploration. Use Gephi to explore, analyse, spatialise, filter, cluterize, manipulate and export all types of graphs.
S. Farhat, L. Tubati, M. Osiemo, and R. Dave. JCDL '22: The ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2022, Cologne, Germany, June 20 - 24, 2022, page 34. ACM, (2024)
O. Hassan, O. Aderibigbe, O. Efijemue, and T. Onasanya. Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, page 906--908. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2024)