Molekulare Maschinen des Körpers, u.a. "DNS-Kopiermaschinen" -- We have no ways to directly observe molecules and what they do -- Drew Berry wants to change that. At TEDxSydney he shows his scientifically accurate (and entertaining!) animations that help researchers see unseeable processes within our own cells.
P. Tsichlis, M. Lohse, C. Szpirer, J. Szpirer, and G. Levan. J Virol, 56 (3):
938-42(December 1985)Tsichlis, P N Lohse, M A Szpirer, C Szpirer, J Levan, G CA-06927/CA/NCI
NIH HHS/United States CA-38047/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States RR-05539/RR/NCRR
NIH HHS/United States Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Research Support,
U.S. Gov't, P.H.S. United states Journal of virology J Virol. 1985