For a variety of reasons, you might need to convert a document saved in a traditional Word Processor’s (MS Word, Open Office Writer, etc.) format to LaTeX.
1.1. Docbook and maven
I was looking for a maven plugin that produces documentation with syntax highlighting from docbook .
1.2. For the impatient
This article has been written in docbook , and generated via maven with the docbkx maven plugin .
You can check it out
as multi pages html
as a single html page
in PDF
You can download a ready-to-build maven project here . It is ready to be customized for your needs.
PyFacebook is currently best-tested with Django, and if you are just starting out with Python web development, the author highly recommends this combination :-). If you'd rather use another framework, there are also Pylons and other WSGI helpers in PyFacebook as well.