Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) stands as a powerhouse enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that integrates various business processes and functions into a unified platform. For organizations looking to harness the full potential of Oracle EBS, consulting services become essential to ensure seamless implementation, customization, and ongoing support.
Anlage 1 EGBGB (zu Artikel 246a § 1 Absatz 2 Satz 2) Muster für die Widerrufsbelehrung bei außerhalb von Geschäftsräumen geschlossenen Verträgen und bei Fernabsatzverträgen mit Ausnahme von Verträgen über
Bis Juni 2014 müssen alle Shopbetreiber ihre Dokumente zum Widerrufsrecht insbesondere Widerrufsbelehrung & AGB anpassen. Wir zeigen Ihnen die Details.
The developments of the Digital Economy will have a fundamental impact on the structures and processes of economic systems. Within this new economy the importance of the creation and maintenance of a relationship between a customer and a supplier is increasing, but the way to handle this relationship is changing. Therefore, we focus on the upcoming challenges to relationships between suppliers and customers. Viewing this focus in more detail we will develop the outline of a new, holistic approach to the management of customer relationship in Business Media. In order to manage the relationship between suppliers and customers in a successful way, a model for the Management of Customer Relationship will be presented. This model includes several building blocks, which should be considered when designing and maintaining the relationship in an online environment. This model should, therefore, serve as a framework to combine the various instruments of the Management of Customer Relationship.
L. Zhu, M. Staples, und V. Tosic. 12th International IEEE Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, 2008. EDOC '08, Seite 24--30. IEEE, (September 2008)