The Guardian has spent the last two years relentlessly attacking Jeremy Corbyn. Only recently has it changed its tune, perhaps worried that it has alienated too many readers. Corbyn's success has been despite the Guardian and the rest of the corporate media. The Guardian will now want readers to forget its propaganda war on Corbyn. We've compiled this list so they don't. Dump the Guardian!
Un court reportage de Arte sur la candidature de Sarah Soilihi à Marseille. Quelle soit élue député et l'Assemblée sera déjà transformée grâce à la présence d'une jeune femme représentant "les quartiers" , elle même exemplaire par sa détermination et son parcours. Sans compter que sa réussite signifiait simultanément la défaite du candidat FN dans un de ces quartiers au Nord de Marseille où il est fortement implanté.
Three days after the presidential election, an astute law professor tweeted a picture of three paragraphs, very slightly condensed, from Richard Rorty’s “Achieving Our Country,” published in 1998.
Since 1920, the Clerk of the House has collected and published the official vote counts for federal elections from the official sources among the various states and territories. These documents, out of print for many years, have been collected and scanned in a format to make them once again available to researchers and students