The following piece, though never previously attributed to Wells, is identifiable as his on grounds of style and content. Under the same heading as above, it appeared in the Saturday Review, 79 (June 22, 1895):815. Wells had been contributing speculative essays on scientific subjects and the occasional review of scientific--or pseudo-scientific--books to SR ever since Frank Harris had taken over its editorship late in the preceding year: and three months before this review-article on Woman's Share in Primitive Culture was published, he assumed the post of SR's principal reviewer of fiction with a sardonic assault on the sexual morality of Grant Allen's The Woman Who Did (see note 3). Here he turns a skeptical eye on one of the principal works of the American ethnologist Otis Tulton Mason (1878-1908) and debunks, in typically Wellsian fashion, its ideological presuppositions--in particular, its pretensions to scientific objectivit
Abstract: Offering one of the first critical receptions on identity in Thomas Pynchon’s latest novel beyond the reviews, this paper seeks to show that bilocation, a fictional disposition affecting personal mobility in Against The Day, brings up the question of what we are by suggesting what we could be.
Den Essay Das digitale Evangelium hat Hans Magnus Enzensberger zur Eröffnung der Christoph–Martin–Wieland–Vorlesungen an der Erfurter Universität vorgetragen. Zunächst erschien er, so das Vorwort, im Spiegel. Die vorliegende Ausgabe ergänzt den Text um eine anschließende Disputation.
Medienproheten, die sich und uns entweder die Apokalypse oder die Erlösung von allen Übeln weissagen, sollten wir der Lächerlichkeit preisgeben, die sie verdienen
Alle gravierenden Einwände nützen nichts: Menschen werden mit Intelligenztests weiterhin traktiert und taxiert. - Ein Blick in die Geschichte und Gegenwart einer eigentümlichen Obsession. Von Hans Magnus Enzensberger
Examinations in form of essays are much easier to take than the objective type of tests—such as identification or filling in the blanks, answering yes or no, enumeration, matching type, multiple choice and so on.