En lugar de presentar todos los pormenores de R de manera lineal, se irán presentando distintos aspectos de R conforme se vayan necesitando; es decir, no vamos a presentar R como un lenguaje de programación sino como una herramienta para hacer análisis estadísticos.
The training is aimed at those who are new to data or those who have some experience with data but may need a refresher or want to expand their knowledge. We invite you to check out our Learning catalogue to learn more about our offerings including a great collection of short videos. Be sure to check back regularly as we will be continuing to release new training.
R provides a powerful and comprehensive system for analysing data and when used in conjunction with the R-commander (a graphical user interface, commonly known as Rcmdr) it also provides one that is easy and intuitive to use. Basically, R provides the engine that carries out the analyses and Rcmdr provides a convenient way for users to input commands. The Rcmdr program enables analysts to access a selection of commonly-used R commands using a simple interface that should be familiar to most computer users. It also serves the important role of helping users to implement R commands and develop their knowledge and expertise in using the command line --- an important skill for those wishing to exploit the full power of the program.
Welcome to the online home of 'Introduction to Statistics and Research Methods' course material.
All pages and materials have been produced and provided by the Centre for Applied Statistics Courses (CASC), UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health.
The aim of this course is to introduce the statistical methods and concepts that are currently used in many fields of quantitative research
This course is designed to introduce you to and help you become familiar with quantitative methodologies critical to your development as a social scientist. The introductory methods course has two primary aims. First, students will be introduced to quantitative methodology that researchers and policymakers use in answering social, political and economic questions. Second, the course will equip students to use one or more of the discussed techniques in their MSc dissertation.
By the end of the course, you should be able to understand basic research methods, apply them to real world problems and evaluate their use in published research. Students will also acquire competency in performing statistical analyses using a popular statistical program (R).
Este proyecto tiene como objetivo diseñar un entorno virtual de Estadística Accesible y Universal donde no existan barreras para aprender Estadística con los programas SPSS, R, R Commnader y RStudio. Esta plataforma que permite el aprendizaje de una forma autodidacta e interactiva, es una aplicación para gestionar contenidos de Estadística.