Worldwide combined shipments of devices (PCs, tablets and mobile phones) are projected to reach 2.32 billion units in 2013, a 4.5 percent increase from 2012, according to Gartner, Inc. The market is being driven by a shift to lower-priced devices in nearly all device categories.
Tablet-Computer wie Apples iPad stehen nach Einschätzung von Marktforschern vor einem explosiven Absatzwachstum. In diesem Jahr werden schätzungsweise 19,5 Millionen Geräte verkauft, 2011 dürften es schon 55 Millionen sein, wie die Analysten von Gartner am Freitag prognostizierten. Bereits 2012 werde der jährliche Absatz dann die Marke von 100 Millionen knacken und zwei Jahre später dürften mehr als 200 Millionen Tablets verkauft werden.
Media tablets, private cloud computing, and 3D flat-panel TVs and displays are some of the technologies that have moved into the Peak of Inflated Expectations, according to the 2010 Emerging Technologies Hype Cycle by Gartner, Inc. Gartner has examined the maturity of 1,800 technologies and trends in 75 technology, topic, and industry areas. Each of the 75 individual Hype Cycle reports provides a snapshot of a key area of IT or business. Senior executives, CIOs, strategists, business developers and technology planners should consider these technologies when developing emerging business and technology portfolios. The "Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies" is the longest-running annual Hype Cycle, providing a cross-industry perspective on the technologies and trends that IT managers should consider in developing emerging-technology portfolios (see Figure 1).
IT-Abteilungen müssen sich auf einen gehörigen Technologieschub auf dem Markt einstellen. Allerdings haben nur einige Trends das Potenzial, Unternehmen strategisch voranzubringen.
Organisations that embark on service-oriented architecture (SOA) initiatives aimed at enterprise wide deployment must pay equal attention to technical and governance issues. Gartner today said that although the risks of SOA project failure are initially a