anz und lauer im gespräch über open access, heidelberger apell, google books/scholar etc. auf (april09), vgl. @aviess artikel dazu, der eh alles viel besser erklärt: gut zb: Der Misserfolg der Medientheorie, die geglaubt hat, mit der Exegese von ein paar Aufsätzen Walter Benjamins und der Wiederholung einiger ungedeckter Thesen Michel Foucaults schon etwas Tragfähiges zu den gegenwärtigen medialen Transformationen zu sagen, hat etwa auf der Seite der Geisteswissenschaften dazu beigetragen, dass ihr zu ihren eigenen realen Arbeitsumwelten nicht viel einfällt.
Helping the world find the best input from an audience of any size. Let your audience decide. Get to know your audience by letting them decide which questions, suggestions or ideas interest them most. Everyone's voice is heard. The voting box at the top of page focuses attention on submissions recently added and on the rise, making it simple and easy to participate. Be creative. Include people in your preparation for lectures, interviews and hard decisions or work together to organize feature requests and brainstorm new ideas.
Google Scholar (GS) was released as a beta product in November of 2004. Since then, GS has been scrutinized and questioned by many in academia and the library field. Our objectives in undertaking this study were to determine how scholarly GS is in comparison with traditional library resources and to determine if the scholarliness of materials found in GS varies across disciplines. We found that GS is, on average, 17.6% more scholarly than materials found only in library databases and that there is no statistically significant difference between the scholarliness of materials found in GS across disciplines.
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