In my previous blog post, I explained how I take lecture notes using Vim and LaTeX. In this post, I’ll talk about how I draw figures for my notes using Inkscape and about my custom shortcut manager.Some examples First, let me show you some exam…
The book is a collection of dreams for how we want text to evolve as well as how we understand our current textual infrastructures, how we view the history of writing, and much more. The aim is to make it inspire a powerfully rich future of text in a multitude of ways today and to still have value in a thousand years and beyond. It should serve as a record for how we saw the medium of text and how it relates to our world, our problems and each other in the early twenty first century.
PyX is a Python package for the creation of PostScript, PDF, and SVG files. It combines an abstraction of the PostScript drawing model with a TeX/LaTeX interface. Complex tasks like 2d and 3d plots in publication-ready quality are built out of these primitives.
J'ai déjà parlé à plusieurs reprises du package TikZ, qui permet de créer des graphismes vectoriels en LaTeX. Je m'en suis servi récemment pour créer un stemma des textes que j'étudie, pour schématiser leurs relations mutuelles. Je vous propose donc trois articles pour comprendre comment faire des stemma avec TikZ. En voici le premier, qui cherche simplement à définir les principes de création des stemma.
Do you spend a lot of time typing equations in LaTeX? Try Mathpix Snip for iOS, Android, macOS, Windows or Linux and start converting images to LaTeX instantly!
Citation Machine™ helps students and professionals properly credit the information that they use. Cite sources in APA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian, and Harvard for free.
In this guide, we hope to give you your first introduction to LaTeX. The guide does not require you to have any prior knowledge of LaTeX, but by the time you are finished, you will have written your first LaTeX document, and hopefully will have a good knowledge of some of the basic functions provided by LaTeX.
M. Öchsner, and A. Öchsner. essentials Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, 1. Aufl. 2015 edition, (2015)Verfasserangabe: von Marco Öchsner, Andreas Öchsner ; Online-Ressource Kann nicht per Fernleihe bestellt werden! ; Quelldatenbank: FHBK-x ; Format:marcform: print ; Umfang: X, 54 S. 6 Abb.