I can imagine that his Form is less homologous to his future Form as Lenin would envision him - if the Lacanian Real Lenin existed in our imagined present. Surely not if he doesn't so much borrow from the future as invest in a future that should have existed in a time when either Eddie Izzard, Thomas Pynchon, or, perhaps, Merleau-Ponty's imagined Professor Irwin Corey had led the Russian Revolution. What would Freud have said to that? Bring a razor.
Journal Phänomenologie - Inhalt Heft 34/2010. Schwerpunkt: Philosophische Anthropologie - Anspruch und Kritik. Mit Beiträgen von Marc Rölli, Volker Schürmann, Rudolf Wansing und Andreas Cremonini
In a recent essay, in which I attempted to map the generic modalities possible within the larger constellations of anti-utopia and dystopia, I argued for the existence of a distinct type of anti-utopia, which I termed “critical anti-utopia”
The conception of the mirror-phase which I introduced at our last congress, thirteen years ago, has since become more or less established in the practice of the French group; I think it nevertheless worthwhile to bring it again to your attention, especially today, for the light that it sheds on the formation of the I as we experience it in psychoanalysis.[1] It is an experience which leads us to oppose any philosophy directly issuing from the Cogito.
Schwerpunkt "Unbewusst". Texte von Ulrike Kadi, Klaus Ebner, Artur R. Boelderl, Jean Luc Nancy, Thomas Rolf, Michael Turnheim über Freud, Husserl, Lacan, Benjamin Libet, Jean Luc Nancy. Sammelrezensionen zu Hannah Arendt, Foucault, Lebensphilosophie
J. Miller. Screen, (Winter 1978)This text was published in French in Cahiers pour l ' analyse 1, Winter 1966, subsequently its English version translated by Jacqueline Rose appeared in Screen 18, Winter 1978..