JAM Circle is a Kanban Application Platform using Card(like Sticky note) and Lane(Pane) or Icon.
JAM Circle is supported to connect XMPP service(like GTalk) and send card data to other user. Sometimes you use mail to ask to do your Task to someone.You can use JAM Circle to these situations.
JAM Circle is defined Action using scripting language,JRuby or JavaScript(using Rhino). You can define action when you open board,and put card to lane(icon),remove card from lane(icon). For example ,if you want to plan some tasks in BTS(like Bugzilla,or Trac,or Redmine... these has API to public services.) you define script to get some tickets from BTS on board script, and you define script to change the priority ,due on lane script.
LeanPM is an agile project management tool. It aims at supporting the full life cycle of the project from the client requests to the product management all the way through project management using a Lean approach and actuals reporting.
The Lean Gene: Thinness Is An Inheritable Trait ScienceDaily (Apr. 2, 2008) — Your friend can eat whatever she wants and still fit into her prom dress, but you gain five pounds if you just look at that chocolate cake. Before you sign up for Weight Watc
M. Foegen, and C. Kaczmarek. wibas, Darmstadt, 3. Auflage edition, (2016)Verfasserangabe: Malte Foegen, Christian Kaczmarek ; Klassifikation: 85.06 (Unternehmensführung) ; Inhaltstyp: Text ; Medientyp: ohne Hilfsmittel zu benutzen ; Datenträgertyp: Band ; Sprache: und ; Quelldatenbank: GBV ; Format:marcform: print ; Umfang: 268 S. : Illustrationen, Diagramme.
R. Müller, and K. Thoring. Leading Innovation through Design: Proceedings of the DMI 2012 International Research Conference, page 181-192. University of Virginia, (2012)