The 21st century is the age of living single. Today, the number of single adults in the US—and many other nations around the world—is unprecedented. And the numbers don’t just say people are staying single longer before settling down. More are staying single for life. A 2014 Pew Report estimates that by the time today’s...
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, one of the finest composers the world has ever known, had two great loves in his life: the first was music; and the second was Constanze Weber, whom he married in Vienna on August 4, 1782.
It is seeking peace by accepting the healthy but crazy-making things about your partner because, you remember, those were the things you fell in love with in the first place
Marriage workshops that help couples regardless of denomination to rebuild marriages devastated by sexual and online pornography addictions. Workshops together with principles from God’s word that can transform your marriage. Visit us today.
E. Bakhshi, M. Eshraghian, K. Mohammad, and B. Seifi. BMC medical research methodology, (January 2008)5162<m:linebreak></m:linebreak>JID: 100968545; OID: NLM: PMC2613917; 2008/07/06 received; 2008/11/25 accepted; 2008/11/25 aheadofprint; epublish;.
L. Garcia-Faroldi. Social Indicators Research, 121 (3):
697-722(2015)First published online: June 13, 2014, (ISSP).