Scientists from Johns Hopkins and two Israeli universities have discovered another likely benefit of the much-touted legume, soybeans: They may bring pain relief.
A summary of available literature is provided to guide the clinician in educating patients in reducing their risk of recurrent calcium oxalate stone disease.
There is a growing amount of evidence-based research supporting various botanicals; and/or primary evidence comes from a long medicinal use. Evidence-based research may be limited, but we shouldn't ignore botanicals that have been used for 1000s of years,
Reliable information on complementary cancer therapies. Founded by Carol Ann Schwartz's family. Lectures, resources, links, information, associations. Housed at the Rosenthal Center for CAM.
As a certification company, CL enables companies of all sizes to have their products tested for potential inclusion in its list of Approved Quality products and bear the CL Seal. CL has tested more than 1,800 products, representing over 350 different bran
Compilation of resources to access clinical and scientific research on complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine. Links point to clinical, biomedical, review, meta-analytical or survey research in the USA, Europe and Asia.