Embark on a journey to understand MySQL like never before with our comprehensive guide. From the fundamentals to advanced functionalities, we cover everything you need to know to master this powerful database management system. Gain insights into database management, optimization techniques, and practical tips for efficient operation. Whether you're a beginner or seasoned user, our guide is designed to help you navigate MySQL with confidence and expertise.
Der Programmierer, der eine gravierende Lücke in der Software der Firma Modern Solution aufgedeckt hat, fällt unter den Hackerparagrafen, meint das Gericht.
public interface PostRepository extends BaseJpaRepository<Post, Long> {
select p
from Post p
where date(p.createdOn) >= :sinceDate
@QueryHint(name = AvailableHints.HINT_FETCH_SIZE, value = "25")
Stream<Post> streamByCreatedOnSince(@Param("sinceDate") LocalDate sinceDate);
The FETCH_SIZE JPA query hint is necessary for PostgreSQL and MySQL to instruct the JDBC Driver to prefetch at most 25 records. Otherwise, the PostgreSQL and MySQL JDBC Drivers would prefetch all the query results prior to traversing the underlying ResultSet.
K. Yank. dpunkt-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2., aktual. und erw. Aufl., Übers. der 3. engl. Orig.-Aufl. edition, (2005)Build your own database driven website using PHP & MySQL <dt.>.