Das britische Verteidigungsministerium will die nationalen Fähigkeiten auf dem Feld militärischer Nanodrohnen stärken. Solche Kleinstdrohnen bieten im urbanen Umfeld viele Vorteile und lassen sich unter anderem in der Uniform mitführen. Das britische Verteidigungsministerium hat nun einen Vertrag zur Entwicklung eines einsatzbereiten, robusten Prototyps für Tests beim Heer geschlossen. Es wurden dafür jetzt rund 226.200 Pfund bereitgestellt. Neu ist zudem, dass mit diesem Vertrag ein Start-up zum Zulieferer der British Army wird.
2007-10-26 What was only a theoretical concept in 2001 has now become a reality with the latest development by Hitachi, and could find its way to intelligence agencies across the world. RFID chips are also a source for increasing controversy surrounding issues of privacy. An RFID chip can be used to track the location of unsuspecting individuals who have bought products that include RFID tags in their package. Having miniature cheap RFID chips, such as those developed by Hitachi, implanted inside anything we buy might make many people feel very uncomfortable. However, big businesses believe that consumers’ fears are dwarfed by the benefits of RFID chips, which include reduced theft, digital real time inventory, and better information on consumer shopping habits. This tech is now actively used in automatic dog feeders with RFID tags to feed multiple dogs at a schedule. The feeder identifies the dog with the unique RFID chip and dispenses the food. Multiple dogs in a house are fed even in the absence of dog owner.
Maailman suurvallat kehittävät itsestään liikkuvia taisteluvälineitä, robotiikalla tehostettuja sotilaita ja laseraseita. Millaisia ovat sotateknologian viimeisimmät edistysaskeleet? Vieraana Puolustusvoimien tutkimuspäällikkö, insinöörieversti Jyri Kosola. Video: Yle 15.4.16
Alle millimetrin paksuinen kevyt vaate pysäyttää luodin nanoteknologian avulla. Laserhakeutuva luoti korvaa tarkka-ampujan eli hakeutuu itse maaliin. Nopea teknologinen kehitys tekee aseista jatkuvasti pienempiä ja halvempia. Näkymätöntä panssarivaunuakin kehitetään jo.
From the Future of Life-Institute
FLI catalyzes and supports research and initiatives for safeguarding life and developing optimistic visions of the future, including positive ways for humanity to steer its own course considering new technologies and challenges.
Focused on the solution of heat transfer problems in nanomachines, this practical resource integrates traditional knowledge with cutting-edge theory to provide a solid foundation and working technical skills.
Bill Joy [quoted from Wired 8.04]: "A bomb is blown up only once - but one bot can become many, and quickly get out of control." --. " Uncontrolled self-replication in these newer technologies runs [...]a risk of substantial damage in the physical world.
Attac France demande : - que soient organisées de Conférences de citoyens sur les nanotechnologies; les recommandations soient obligatoirement prises en compte par les décideurs politiques, - qu’un moratoire soit décrété sur la commercialisation de produi
Fausse consultation, communication sous couvert d'information, pseudo-débat sur des sujets déjà lancés, la question des nanotechnologies est à Grenoble un camouflet antidémocratique. Est-il dès lors antidémocratique de faire taire les chefs d'orchestre de
Military Deluged in Drone Intelligence (NYT 8 Jan 2010) Nick Turse: "[...]the Air Force will quite literally be flooded with video information from future battlefields; and every “advance” of this sort means bulking up the global network of facilities,
Pandora's Box? "This is the quintessential Pandora's box moment - like the splitting of the atom or the cloning of Dolly the sheep. We will all have to deal with the fall-out from this alarming experiment," comments Jim Thomas of the ETC Group. "Synthetic
David Dickson editorial 6 May 2009 : "Nowhere is the promise of nanotechnology stronger than in water treatment. Nanofiltration techniques and nanoparticles can reduce or eliminate contaminants in water and could help deliver a key Millennium Development
"Everything is dying," a woman said as the town hall meeting was finally coming to a close. "How can you honestly tell us that our Gulf is resilient and will bounce back? Because not one of you up here has a hint as to what is going to happen to our Gulf.
Firoze Manji and Molly Kane 2010-10-07, Issue 499 : "The technologies, or more precisely corporate control of the new technologies, represents a potential and growing threat to the continent. A continent that has already faced a turbulent history of colo
A key message of the report is that geoengineering is not simply a cheap technofix for climate change, but a political smokescreen that will be deployed by wealthy nations to avoid undertaking real domestic emission reductions and commitments to help the
Pat Mooney's speech 2003 (30th anniversary of Schumacher's book). the issue here is not simply to look at nanotechnology. What I would invite ITDGPractical Action to consider is that we need to get ahead and analyse what has to be done for us to manage t
Y. Lereah, A. Be'er, F. Phillipp, und R. Kofman. Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)