D. Mulryne, D. Seery, and D. Wesley. (2009)cite arxiv:0909.2256
Comment: 24 pages, 4 colour figures; uses iopart.cls. v2: Erroneous statements
about delta N method in Sec. 2 removed. Correction to gauge transformation in
Eq. (12) brings numerical results of Sec. 4 into better agreement with the
delta N formula. Conclusions remain the same. v3: minor changes.
D. Seery, and J. Lidsey. (2006)cite arxiv:astro-ph/0604209
Comment: 23 pages, uses iopart.cls. Replaced with version accepted by JCAP;
some clarifications in the introduction, and references added.
V. Desjacques, and U. Seljak. (2010)cite arxiv:1003.5020
Comment: Invited review article for the CQG special issue on nonlinear
cosmological perturbations..
E. Komatsu. (2010)cite arxiv:1003.6097
Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures. Invited review article for the CQG special issue
on nonlinear cosmological perturbations.
X. Chen. (2010)cite arxiv:1002.1416
Comment: 82 pages, invited review for special issue of Advances in Astronomy
on "Testing the Gaussianity and Statistical Isotropy of the Universe"; v2,
comments and references added.
X. Chen, B. Hu, M. xin Huang, G. Shiu, and Y. Wang. (2009)cite arxiv:0905.3494
Comment: 38 pages, 9 figures; v2, minor revision; v3, final version to appear
on JCAP.
X. Chen, M. xin Huang, S. Kachru, and G. Shiu. (2006)cite arxiv:hep-th/0605045
Comment: 53 pages, 5 figures; v3, minor revision, JCAP version; v4, numerical
coefficients corrected in Appendix B, discussion on consistency condition