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Catàjeg Col·lectiu més gran del món. Conté mes de 62 milions de registres de les més de 10mil biblioteques asociades a la OCLC (Online Computer Library Center)
OCLC is systematically adding FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology) headings to many WorldCat bibliographic records. This document provides information about:
What is FAST?
OCLC’s addition of FAST to WorldCat bibliographic records
Why OCLC is adding FAST to WorldCat
How the LCSH-to-FAST conversion process works
CONTENTdm® makes everything in your digital collections available to everyone, everywhere. No matter the format — local history archives, newspapers, books, maps, slide libraries or audio/video — CONTENTdm can handle the storage, management and delivery of your collections to users across the Web.
Reference Extract is envisioned as a web search engine. Reference Extracts will be built for maximum credibility by relying on the expertise and credibility judgments of librarians from around the globe. Users get results weighted towards sites most often referred to by librarians at 1,400 libraries worldwide.
The OCLC releases the VIAF data as ODC-by. They say it's compatible with CC0, since the only attribution measure required is to use VIAF canonical URIs in the data.