While it’s always refreshing to see the lives of working people centered in our media, the docuseries Working: What We Do All Day is hampered by the limitations of its host and narrator, former president Barack Obama.
Prominent EU actors urge for a new trade deal with the US, witnessing a concurrence relation with the post-Brexit UK concerning trade agreements with the USA
Trump's bellicose statements about North Korea and the recent false missile alert in Hawaii have raised global alarm over nuclear war. Now, in an unprecedented step, a draft of the new U.S. Nuclear Posture calls for authorizing nuclear weapons use even in response to a non-military attack
"Contrary to what is stated here, nuclear weapons do not bring peace. They have, if anything, made the planet "safe" for US and proxy wars, while we all remain under the general threat of annihilation. Their effect on our culture and character, and on our social contract, has been profoundly damaging. As Simone Weil put it in her famous essay on the Iliad, 'Thus it is that those to whom destiny lends might, perish for having relied too much upon it.'"
Lima – US-Präsident Barack Obama hat seinen designierten Nachfolger Donald Trump indirekt davor gewarnt, das Freihandelsabkommen TPP aufzukündigen. "TPP ist ein Plus für die amerikanische Wirtschaft, für Arbeitsplätze und für Arbeiterrechte", sagte Obama Sonntagabend bei seiner letzten Pressekonferenz auf einer Auslandsreise in Lima.
It is a sign of their wrong path that party strategists are holding onto the same identity politics they have used since the 1960s to divide Americans into hyphenated special-interest groups.