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BizAgi BPM software makes modeling, executing and improving business processes easy for everyone, no matter if you are a small organization or a big corporation.
Bonita is an Open Source Business Process Management (BPM) software and Workflow software edited by the BPM company BonitaSoft. Develop process based applications easily with Bonita Open Solution.
However I don't think this is the key point about agile
methods. Lack of documentation is a symptom of two much deeper
Agile methods are adaptive rather than predictive.
Engineering methods tend to try to plan out a large part of the software
process in great detail for a long span of time, this works well until
things change. So their nature is to resist change. The agile methods,
however, welcome change. They try to be processes that adapt and
thrive on change, even to the point of changing themselves.
Agile methods are people-oriented rather than
process-oriented. The goal of engineering methods is to define a
process that will work well whoever happens to be using it. Agile
methods assert that no process will ever make up the skill of the
development team, so the role of a process is to support the
development team in their work.In the following sections I'll explore these differences in
more detail, so that you can understand what an adaptive and
people-centered process is like, its benefits and drawbacks, and
whether it's something you should use: either as a developer or
customer of software.
- leave anything related to transport, communication to other layers- use this revised CEP to express and execute event-relevant logic, the purpose of which is to translate the ambient events into relevant business events- have these business events trigger business processes (however lightweight you want to make them)- have these business processes invoke decision services implemented through decision management to decide what they should be doing at every step- have the business processes invoke action services to execute the actions decided by the decision services- all the while generating business events or ambient events- etc.
Open Source the BPMspace product is free to use, open for extensions and independent of its owners
Agile BPMspace processes can be easily adapted to the frequent changes in real life
Relational BPMspace relates business process objects (of different kinds) to each other, similar to records in different tables of a relational database.
In contrast to most database applications, the BPMspace data model (ontology) can be extended at runtime, without development effort.
Business Process Warehouse BPMspace maintains a repository of integrated process data, available for all types of queries, analysis, monitoring and (business) performance management
ProcessMaker is commercial open source workflow management software designed for small to medium-sized businesses and organizations. ProcessMaker allows a business user with zero programming experience to model, automate, and manage a company's unique business processes.
ProcessMaker is a complete workflow management suite with tools to design forms, create documents, assign roles and users, create routing rules, interconnect with third party systems, and map a process quickly and easily. You can manage workflow from your favorite web browser without having to download any client software at all.
We believe in no vendor lock-in and source code visibility. Thanks to open source code, ProcessMaker integrates seamlessly with your organization's existing systems. ProcessMaker's light yet powerful workflow engine is simple to use and easy to extend.
The Software Process Dashboard Project is an open-source initiative to create a PSP(SM) / TSP(SM) support tool.
We feel that the PSP and the TSP are remarkable technologies that can change the face of the software industry, and we share the SEI's zeal to promote their widespread use. We feel that a freely available, powerful support tool could help to remove one of the most significant barriers to PSP / TSP adoption. We therefore aim to develop a world-class tool under the open-source model, and distribute it freely to anyone using the PSP and/or TSP. We feel that this is the least we can do to thank the SEI for developing and distributing these remarkable processes.
Wilos is an orchestration process software under GPL license (General Public License). It allows Wilos users to manage a project driven by a software process engineering taking from an exported xml file of the Composer of Eclipse Process Framework. The process is based on the Software Process Engineering MetaModel (SPEM2) specification of the OMG standard. The tool is composed of two parts:
1. Ajax based web application which is the main part of Wilos. It allows importing EPF processes, managing projects and team members. This application allows to manage different kinds of wilos users. (See the Wilos web application features )
2. Rich desktop client is a personal assistant (looks like a famous Internet Messenger tool), which provides guidances for following the selected process. (See the Wilos Assistant features )
This link shows an overview of the wilos workflow.
One of the biggest promises of Business Process Management was that the business people can model and execute their business processes without involvement from IT folks. This promise was kept in a simple workflow sceanarios by utilizing limited number of 'built-in' activity types of BPMS packages but once you face little more complex business process sceanarios providing transactional integration with existing software and complex interactions with human beings, this limited expression power make it hard to drag and drop process modeling, and finally it brings a huge help from software vendors or system integrators and write a lot of code that is making processes utterly inflexible downstream. That means, concurrent BPMS is extremely lack in something like 'Technical Abstraction' and 'Expression Extensibility'.
Uniblue's free and comprehensive online Process Library resource is for anyone who immediately wants to know the exact nature and purpose of any and every single process that is - or should not be - running on your PC.
R. Klopper, S. Gruner, and D. Kourie. Proceedings of the 2007 annual research conference of the South African institute of computer scientists and information technologists on IT research in developing countries, page 56--65. Port Elizabeth, South Africa, ACM, (2007)