a compiler cache. It acts as a caching pre-processor to C/C++ compilers. Caching previous compilations and detecting when the same compilation is being done again. (needs GCC or similar)
a next-generation build tool, an improved, cross-platform substitute for the classic Make utility with integrated functionality similar to autoconf/automake and compiler caches such as ccache.
a program which will turn English-like phrases such as "declare foo as array 5 of pointer to function returning int" into C declarations such as "int (*foo[5])()".
a plugin for Emacs, XEmacs, and jEdit which provides code completion, source browsing, and refactorings. It is based on full pre-processing, parsing, and static analysis of sources and works with the C, C++, and Java languages.
a software development tool that connects programs written in C and C++ with a variety of high-level programming languages. SWIG is used with different types of languages including common scripting languages such as Perl, Python, Tcl/Tk and Ruby.
a versatile Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for C and C++ on GNU/Linux. It has been written for GTK/GNOME and features a number of advanced programming facilities. (same as http://anjuta.org/)
component provides a layer over the Win32 API on Windows 95/98/ME so that you can write a single Unicode version of your application and have it run properly on all platforms. Platform Software Development Kit Redistributable
automatically hardens software applications against a wide range of bugs. These bugs — known as memory errors — often end up as serious security vulnerabilities, cause crashes, or lead to unpredictable behavior.
a professional development tool for C and C++ providing code completion, source browsing and refactoring. It is "a must have" for understanding legacy code. (for Emacs and XEmacs)
a C/C++ interpreter aimed at processing C/C++ scripts. Scripts are programs performing specific tasks. Generally execution time is not critical, but rapid development is. Using an interpreter the compile and link cycle is dramatically reduced facilitating