As it invites the world to play in a mysterious sandbox it likes to call "Caffeine," Google is testing more than just a "next-generation" search infrastructure. It's testing at least a portion of a revamped software architecture that will likely underpin all of its online applications for years to come.
Die offizielle Shibboleth Homepage. Hier kann sich nicht nur über Shibboleth informieren, sondern auch schon gleich die nötige Software auf seinen Rechner herunterladen. Sie ist in die Identity Provider und die Service Provider Software aufgesplittet.
F. Spaho, A. Aličić, and B. Zlatar. Monumenta Turcica historiam Slavorum Meridionalium illustrantia Orijentalni Institut, Sarajevo, (2007)OCLC: 339196558.
A. Handžić, and A. Kupusović (Eds.) Monumenta Turcica historiam Slavorum Merdionalium illustrantia. Serija II Bošnjački Institut Zürich, Odjel Sarajevo : Orijentalni Institut, Sarajevo, (2000)OCLC: 470376280.