The Nation, November 16, 2009. - On September 23, Nation editor Katrina vanden Heuvel and her husband, Stephen F. Cohen, a contributing editor, interviewed former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev at his foundation in Moscow.
Acronym Institute's Disarmament Diplomacy, Nov 2002: "On August 22 [2002], a substantial amount of weapons-grade uranium was removed from a nuclear reactor in Serbia to a site in Russia. Details of the operation were provided by the US State Department on
Feffer 23.12. jämför Obama med Nixon. Å ena sidan START, vapenkontroll och (eventuellt) nedrustning. Å andra sidan krig och imperialism. "This bifocal view of Richard Nixon reveals one of the great paradoxes of the U.S. peace movement. Peace activists div
Henry A. Wallace: The Way to Peace (September 12, 1946) When the United States were still mighty by all meanings, Wallace gave this speech in the New York Madison Square Garden. One week later he was forced to resign by President Harry S. Truman.
Since 1995, uranium enriched Zelenogorsk, a closed city that strongly evokes the Soviet era, has made fuel for nuclear reactors that supply Americans with electricity. Now it hopes that embracing a French company with new technology could lead to a more s
Wikileaks avslöjanden drabbar nu även i viss mån den ryska eliten. Av den senaste skörden offentliggjorda telegram framgår att Ryssland varit berett att avstå från att leverera mot S-300 missiler till Iran i utbyte mot USA:s godkännande av ett ryskt köp
09TELAVIV2757 2009-12-22 09:09 SECRET Embassy Tel Aviv: MOD Political-Military Chief Amos Gilad described recent Russian cooperation on Iran as encouraging, but expressed reservations that Russia would join in any sanctions against Iran. He explained
In 1996 the United Nations General Assembly finally opened the test ban treaty for signing and ratification. But ... : every one of the 44 “nuclear technology holder states” must sign and ratify it. As of today, 35 have done so, including Russia, France a
ACDN - Action des Citoyens pour le Désarmement Nucléaire 22.12.2010: "Bref, si "les Américains sont plus sûrs et mieux protégés avec le traité que sans lui" selon le sénateur Alexander, il est vrai aussi que le complexe nucléaire et militaro-industriel am
"The New START treaty is in the bag, approved by the US Congress and Russian Duma." Hans M Kristensen : "But the treaty does not, as the New York Times report mistakenly states, “require the United States and Russia to reduce their nuclear arsenals…to 1,5
James Warner: "The main long-term impact of the Russo-Turkish wars was to weaken both Empires to the point of collapse, with resulting humanitarian disasters exceeding those that Dostoevsky justly condemned. While the impulse towards humanitarian interven
Andrew Mack "... in the case of Kissinger and his collaborators, there is also a coldly "realist" calculation: that in a nuclear-free world, the United States would be the world's pre-eminent military power - one no longer be vulnerable to annihilation
In Northeast Asia, the largest militaries in the world confront each other. Yet, these countries have also begun to create a peace and security system through the Six Party Talks. In the Joint Statement of September 19, 2005, the countries agreed to the d