Inspired by Yahoo's Pipes, DERI Web Data Pipes implement a generalization which can also deal with formats such as RDF (RDFa), Microformats and generic XML. It is OSS DERI Pipes provides a rich web GUI where pipes can be graphically edited, debugged and invoked. The execution engine is also available as a standalone JAR, which is ideal for embedded use. DERI Pipes, in general, produce as an output streams of data (e.g. XML, RDF,JSON) that can be used by applications. However, when invoked by a normal browser, they will provide a end user GUI for the user to enter parameter values and browse the results
Welcome to TuQS! Turnguard's QuadStore is the first draft of an own implementation of a QuadStore with main focus on data-retrieval speed. TuQS can be queried and updated using openrdf's SAIL API. Please choose a repository here. * Features o SAIL accessible o True QuadStore with GraphSupport o HighSpeed regex SPARQL filters o Userrights on TripleBasis o Extendable to a QuintStore (or more generally to an n-Store) o Cachable SPARQL Queries for further speed improvement o Clusterable o Federationable o FullTextSearchable
T. Green, G. Karvounarakis, and V. Tannen. PODS '07: Proceedings of the twenty-sixth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems, page 31--40. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2007)
K. Cheung, H. Frost, M. Marshall, E. Prud'hommeaux, M. Samwald, J. Zhao, and A. Paschke. BMC Bioinformatics, (2009)"We have explored a tool called "FeDeRate", which enables a global SPARQL query to be decomposed into subqueries against the remote databases offering either SPARQL or SQL query interfaces.".