The namespace info:eu-repo is registered at
This name space is an authoritive placeholder for semantic terms, controlled vocabularies and identifiers.
By using this namespace all the terms used have a "web presence". Therefore it is no longer an arbitrary string, but contains meaning. This utilisation makes it future-proof
[ H P I ] . Hasso Plattner-Institut fuer Softwaresystemtechnik GmbH, Potsdam | Hasso Plattner-Institute for software systems engineering GmbH, Potsdam/Germany
Basic principle: each time you visit a new site, you are gaining one point of expertise. With every 10 points, you move to the next level. Your search engine is mutating, new buttons appear giving you access to advanced features (search video, images, news, encylopedia, advanced filters, animated skins, web archive, traffic details...)
Die semantische Suche von SEMAGER (ehemals NG-Search) findet verwandte Begriffe und Internetseiten die dem gesuchtem Zusammenhang entsprechen, aber nicht zwingend die Suchbegriffe enthalten.