Onlinebefragung von 8382 NutzerInnen sozialer Netzwerkplattformen zwischen 12 und 19 Jahren und qualitative Interviews mit 31 Jugendlichen desselben Alters. Überblick gibts hier:
"If Facebook allowed users to differentiate between their professional and social relationships and control what parts of their profile are visible based on relationship type, it" could be the end of LinkedIn...
For social networks, the key representational issue is the development of network models whose properties reflect the social reality. Future network models must represent aspects of this reality in a social context, including individual agents’ beliefs
The Social Web: Creating An Open Social Network with XDI Drummond Reed, Marc Le Maitre, Bill Barnhill, Owen Davis, and Fen Labalme New open standards introduce long-term, trusted links between people, groups, and bits over the Net. The Networking Imper