Der Karlsruher Virtuelle Katalog ist ein Dienst der KIT-Bibliothek zum Nachweis von mehr als 500 Millionen Büchern und Zeitschriften in Bibliotheks- und Buchhandelskatalogen weltweit.
Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Musikwissenschaft - das Informationsportal für Musik mit Zugang zu wissenschaftlicher Recherche, Fachdatenbanken und Internetressourcen.
There are lots of good resources about social studies in this website. There names of the association that are related with social studies. Also they are all reliable resources. The lessons are also focusing on assessment. In another page there are offering seminars to students to learn how to teach social studies. There was one that took my attention called “Creating Student-Centered Social Studies Classroom Using Socratic Seminar.” It cost $125.
One of my main areas of interest/despair is the way in which the National Literacy Strategy has led to a narrow conception of what literacy actually is and how
On November 3, 1906, German psychiatrist Alois Alzheimer presented for the first time the pathology and the clinical symptoms of presenile dementia together, later renamed in his honor as Alzheimer's disease.
On March 8, 1931, media theorist, author, and cultural critic Neil Postman was born. He is best known for his works criticizing the increase of the role of technology in every human's life not seeing the dangerous side effects.
Rivista italiana di Disability Studies. Questa sezione della rivista risponde al tentativo di costruire uno spazio italiano per lo studio della disabilità per creare uno spazio di dialogo e confronto sulle tematiche riguardanti la disabilità secondo una “prospettiva sociale”.
212-217(June 2023)3343<m:linebreak></m:linebreak>Mesures d'associació.