"If we can not sustain today’s system, then what type of socioeconomic system can we sustain? NET proposes an alternative system for a hi-tech sustainable socioeconomic system which we call a "technate". "
"The Book and Discussion Forum for Networked Activists"; the book was Edited by Jon Lebkowsky and Mitch Ratcliffe. but the discussion in the forum, which started 2004, seems to have died last year. The book contains "Emergent Democracy" by Joi Ito. ;
"Emeka Okafor is an entrepreneur and venture catalyst who lives in New York City.He was the director for TED Global 2007 that took place in Arusha, Tanzania and is the TED Africa Director. His interests include sustainable technologies in the developing w
Elaine Supkis on EATR: ENERGETICALLY AUTONOMOUS TACTICAL ROBOT. This is a Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Phase II Project (DARPA Contract W31P4Q-08-C-0292a). Supkis blog-entry is based on a presentation of the project made 9 April, 2009, by
Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, Computerworld: "Thanks to Windows' security weaknesses, botnets are now commonplace and we can only expect to see more DDoS attacks in the future." Botnets.
En utskrift från Expressens nätupplaga, Expressen.se . Ledare av Johanna Nylander 7august 2009. "Offentlighetsprincipen kommer inte att hålla sig vid liv, om den inte får bli digital... För det krävs både öppna standarder och öppen kod"
"The ICIE was created in 1999 by Rafael Capurro. It started as a small group of friends and colleagues but developed soon into an international and intercultural platform with by now 280 members from all over the world. In 2001 a cooperation agreement wa
Bill Joy [quoted from Wired 8.04]: "A bomb is blown up only once - but one bot can become many, and quickly get out of control." --. " Uncontrolled self-replication in these newer technologies runs [...]a risk of substantial damage in the physical world.
Under början av året har Sitra i samarbete med över tjugo städer, kommuner, samkommuner, Kommunförbundet och staten utarbetat affärsplanerna för två servicecenter. De riksomfattande servicecentren inrättas i syfte att tillhandahålla service för dataadmini
Förvaltnings- och kommunminister Mari Kiviniemi tillsatte den 14 april 2009 Programmet för att påskynda elektronisk ärendehantering och demokrati (SADe-programmet). Målet är att främja elektronisk ärendehantering inom den offentliga förvaltningen så att d
Copenhagen, December 10, 2009 – Over 160 civil society groups, including social movements and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), today released a joint declaration on technology: “Let's Look Before We Leap!”. The declaration alerts governments to the
En kinesisk solskenshistoria. Thursday, October 12, 2006 By Andrew Batson in Wuxi, China, The Wall Street Journal. "When he arrived in Australia 18 years ago as a physics student, Shi Zhengrong scraped by on a meager stipend from the Chinese government t
Intentional, large-scale manipulation of the environment by humans to bring about environmental change, particularly to counteract the undesired side effects of other human activities. - Retooling the Planet: New ETC Group Report on Geoengineering
Diana Bronson: "...we still believe that there should be an exclusion for geoengineering technologies, for any of the enhancement measures that are now envisaged under this new technology body, and that there should be means of assessment and also of prec
Laura Lähdevuori 30.9.2010. Energia- ja ympäristöalan strategisen osaamisen keskittymä (Shok) Cleen Oy käynnistää smart grid -sähköverkkoihin liittyvän viisivuotisen tutkimusohjelman, jonka laajuus on noin 35 miljoonaa euroa. Tutkimusohjelman pitäisi tuo
Terrapower. 13 February 2010. "Today we are always refueling the reactor so lot of controls and lots of things that can go wrong," Gates said. "That is not good. With this, you have a piece of fuel, think of it like a log, that burns for 60 years and it
Yhdysvalloissa on esitelty keksintö, joka voisi mullistaa jopa koko maailman energiantuotantoa. Bloom Energy -yhtiö on esitellyt polttokennoon perustuvan laitteen, joka tuottaa edullisesti vihreää energiaa. Ensimmäinen asiakas on, kukapa muukaan kuin Goog