Over the past decade or so, a scientific debate has emerged around whether rapid Arctic warming could be affecting extreme weather in the mid-latitudes. Much of this work focuses on the jet stream – the narrow current of strong winds encircling the globe around 40-50 degrees North.
Determination of phosphate solubilization and plant growth promotion of bacterial isolates from paddy rhizosphere Vinithra Muthaiyan, Saravanan...
IJAAR Published such kinds of Articles in every issue. Here is March 3 issue
We have another chance to help our legislature see the light. Thankfully, a few Hawaii residents have spent countless hours preparing a new bill to put in front of our state legislature. We have the first of many hearings happening TODAY, January 30, 2009. All testimonials are welcome, no matter where you live.
Right Now you can Help Save Hawaii's Reef Fish from devastation. Email your Testimony Now. The measure HB 191 to regulate the aquarium trade in Hawaii is scheduled for a hearing in the House Water, Land & Ocean Resources Committee (WLO) on Monday morning, February 2, at 9 a.m. in Room 325 at the State Capitol.