If you're developing a workflow designer, displaying a database, showing the state of your telecommunications network or writing a UML tool, why write your application from scratch when there is JGraphpad Pro?
Hm, CLI-based...
"Welcome to JavaRE. The goal of this project is to create a toolkit with applications that makes it possible to move between UML model and Java source code during development without having to update duplicated information by hand."
State Chart XML (SCXML) is currently a Working Draft published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). SCXML provides a generic state-machine based execution environment based on Harel State Tables. SCXML is a candidate for the control language within multiple markup languages coming out of the W3C (see Working Draft for details). Commons SCXML is an implementation aimed at creating and maintaining a Java SCXML engine capable of executing a state machine defined using a SCXML document, while abstracting out the environment interfaces.
M. Chen, X. Qiu, W. Xu, L. Wang, J. Zhao, и X. Li. The Computer Journal, (2007)MR: Der Ansatz ist ein Gray-Box-Ansatz, obwohl es auf Modellen basiert, muss das Programm selbst auch ausgeführt werden um bestimmte Eingaben für das Verfahren zu liefern.
Die Generierung von Testdaten ist kaum automatisiert.
Für IST-SPL interessant wegen den Formalismen für Aktivitätsdiagramme..