About the London M-Learning Group
Mobile learning is an emerging, and rapidly expanding field of educational research and practice across schools, colleges and universities as well as in the work place. The London M-learning Group brings together an international, interdisciplinary group of researchers from the fields of cultural studies, sociology, semiotics, pedagogy and educational technology from the Institute of Education, the University of Kassel, the London Metropolitan University and the University of Verona. The group is working on a theoretical and conceptual framework for mobile learning around the notion of cultural ecology. The analytical engagement with mobile learning of the group takes the shape of a conceptual model in which educational uses of mobile technologies are viewed in ecological terms as part of a cultural and pedagogical context in transformation. Members of the group work on various projects and publications with each other, and organise joint events.
Die literarische Agentur Liepman, gegründet 1949, vertritt amerikanische, britische, kanadische, französische, und israelische Verlage und Agenturen für das deutsche Sprachgebiet sowie internationale Autoren vom Manuskript an für die ganze Welt.
Die 1962 als "Linder AG" gegründete Paul & Peter Fritz AG vertritt Agenturen und Verlage aus dem englischen Sprachraum für die deutschen Rechte sowie deutschsprachige Autoren für deutsche Rechte und weltweite Übersetzungsrechte. Zusätzlich betreut die Agentur Fritz das Backoffice für andere Agenturen im deutschen Sprachraum.
The first Twitter focused creative agency is making headlines, and so is Twitter. Cherp is dedicated to finding brilliant ways to leverage Twitter - from Twitter strategies, Twitter brand management, Twitter event marketing and more...there are hundreds of social networks to keep track of, so we'll manage Twitter for you!
In Zusammenarbeit mit Dr. Uwe Heldt, Literaturagent in Berlin vertritt und betreut unser Büro auch deutschsprachige Autorinnen und Autoren und vermittelt ihre Publikationsrechte an Verlage im In- und Ausland. Autorinnen: Sabato, Passig u.a.
"Mediamatic Lab develops and builds intelligent, innovative media-applications. We have specialised in supporting networks of people and in knowledge exchange. We build websites and other new media applications." Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Passion Pictures is one of Europe's leading independent production companies, producing award winning films in a variety of contemporary styles including 2D drawn animation, computer animation, stop frame animation, mixed media, and live-action.
J. Gutzeit, L. Weller, J. Kürten, and L. Huestegge. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 49 (6):
759(2023)Publisher: American Psychological Association.
P. Polkowski. Epigraphy through Five Millennia: Texts and Images in Context, volume 43 of Sonderschriften des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Abteilung Kairo, Harassowitz, Wiesbaden, (2020)
R. Legaspi, W. Xu, T. Konishi, S. Wada, and Y. Ishikawa. Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, page 34-47. ACM, (July 2022)