Magic, alchemy and the occult are thus keys that allow entry into certain zones of the Fantastic. More important, they drive the intellectual engine of the Fantastic; even as they wane, they preside over the gestation of science fiction.
I want to tell about my method to fight laziness. To apply it, you do not need strength of will, a special mindset, enthusiasm, non-depression, ants in your pants, or to attend NLP courses or Shaolin Monastery.
This is a first draft of a guide to what might be called science for poets. Chinese poets and other authors grew up in a culture that gave cosmology a central place in the understanding of the state and of the body. Literati could expect of their readers
W. Fontana. Proc. Workshop on Artificial Life (ALIFE '90), volume 5 of Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of, page 159--210. Redwood City, CA, USA, Addison-Wesley, (1992)