We have developed a wiki-based platform , called the WikiDesignPlatform (WDP), which couples (as required) additional components (e.g. email, instant messenger, CVS repository) with the traditional wiki and automatically produces detailed transcripts of all the online activity by the users, far richer that the average "recent changes" history provided by most wikis.
"We present WikiPlayer,
a tool to visualize and replay the entire revision history of related wiki
pages as they collectively evolve over time. The player allows us to track
each user’s contribution to a set of wiki pages, review the state of each
page at any given moment in the history, and easily generate statistics
helpful in analyzing the collaborative community of practice. The tool can
be used to identify the collaborative work patterns that develop from the
emergent interaction between the structure of wiki pages and the organization
of the participants’ representational work."
C. Danis, and D. Singer. CSCW '08: Proceedings of the ACM 2008 conference on Computer supported cooperative work, page 495--504. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2008)
A. Kittur, B. Suh, and E. Chi. CSCW '08: Proceedings of the ACM 2008 conference on Computer supported cooperative work, page 477--480. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2008)