"The Relationship Update Stream is an endless feed of social relationship data, designed for web services to be able to send and receive information when changes to social relationships on their service occur." Nebenbei: Gutes APP-Beispiel, scheint mir!
Die Atom Enabled Allianz ist die treibende Kraft an der Weiterentwicklung und an der Spezifikationsbeschreibung von ATOM und ist unter dieser Seite zu erreichen. Die Seite bietet alle Informationen die es zum Thema ATOM gibt in englischer Sprache an. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass die dort genannten Informationen korrekt sind.
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behandelt das Thema Feeds bzw. ATOM in allen technischen Details
"I just did a massive check-in on mod_atom, and it’s now not just an Atom Store, it’s also a basic blog publisher. This fragment is about how it works..."
"A little while ago I decided to whip up a small Atompub server to get my head around the Atom Publishing Protocol. I called it FlatAtomPub because it was just storing stuff in flat files."
"The Atom Publishing Protocol is an important new standard for content publishing and management. In this article, explore a high-level overview of the protocol and its basic operation and capabilities."
"Yesterday I did a deploy of BlogBuilder that includes support for the Atom Publishing Protocol (APP). What this essentially means is that you can use a desktop client, a web service or your own programming to create, edit and delete entries from a Warwic
"O'Reilly is using the Atom Publishing Protocol to implement a powerful abstraction layer separating content creation from content consumption, simplifying our workflow and solidifying XML's role ..."
"Journals exposes a very complete API for creating and managing blogs, entries, and comments. I'm working on getting the API documentation up on dev.aol.com sometime soon. But it's very easy to get started with basic blog posts."
"The goal of the Apache Abdera project is to build a functionally-complete, high-performance implementation of the IETF Atom Syndication Format (RFC 4287) and Atom Publishing Protocol (in-progress) specifications."