Let's face it, money is as imaginary as time. The only difference between the cash in your pocket and the Monopoly bills buried in a cardboard box at the family lake house is this: your government mandates that the cash is accepted for all debts, public
World Empire V is the Award-winning strategy game that blends strategy and luck to achieve simulated world conquest. Download the Free Trial Version and begin conquering today!
Homepage of Widelands, a free realtime strategy game under GPL-License (v.2). Widelands is a game with similiar game-play as in Settlers or in Settlers 2 by BlueByte. It is absolutely free and can be (re-)distributed under the terms of Gnu GPL (v.2)
Artificial intelligence has rarely provided an adequate challenge for computer gamers, so the increasing number of strategy games offering multiplayer online capabilities is a welcome sight. Here you will find resources and links pertaining to multiplayer online strategy gamer of all persuasions.