Useful Commands that Work with Specifications
controls when to
bold text
controls when to
reveal text, occu-
pies NO space oth-
controls when to
italicize text
controls when to
reveal text, DOES
occupy space oth-
controls when to
change color of
reveals first argu-
ment when specifi-
cation is true, oth-
erwise reveals sec-
ond argument
controls when to
highlight text (de-
fault red)
controls when an
item is shown
Think of a Wireless HDMI cable. Then add some features.
"Airtame is a surprisingly intuitive and refreshing solution for wireless PC screen-mirroring. It's easy to set up and responsive, and the software (available for Linux, Windows and OS X) even supports beaming one PC to multiple screens. It's a Miracast dongle on steroids."
- Richard Lai, Senior Editor, Engadget