Library Resources for communication studies site; here, suggested keywords for searches, reference works, periodical indexes, web sites, professional associations, journals and trade publications, statistical sources. updated 2004.
longstanding and well maintained site by Internet humanities pioneer, George P. Landow. Organized by country and by conceptual approaches. Courses linked to. Useful internal search engine.
very evocative discussion guides for students doing exercises in and thinking about a wide variety of physical and cultural spaces; writers can gets lots of ideas from this course and its notes
bibliography, updated as of aug 06, that includes pages for: Online Articles and Journals: Books & Print Articles: Novels: Homepages: Mirrored Pages: Mailinglists: General Resources: Game Research: MUD & MOO Resources
one of the largest set of links, updated regularly, to all aspects of communication; many political themes; a wide range of disciplinary approaches included; highly recommended
very large bibliography on Critical Whiteness Studies, broken down into various categories; not interactive and does not lead to full text essays; worth going to the library to follow up on
wonderfully designed hypertext project on what libraries might mean today, with all those books few people read; a model of a hypertext exploration of an important intellectual topic
CiteULike is a free service to help academics to share, store, and organise the academic papers they are reading. When you see a paper on the web that interests you, you can click one button and have it added to your personal library.
updated 2006. Topics include historical periods for British and U.S. Literature, Theatre and Drama, Theory, Women's Literature & Feminism, Ethnicities & Nationalities, Hypertext
large bibliography with links to many full text essays--american studies, critical legal studies, literature, marxism, media, popular culture, postcolonialism, queer, race, women's studies