TechMeme (formerly tech.memeorandum) is a site that bloggers and others check frequently for news. It is an entirely automated web service that looks at what bloggers are talking about, linking to,decides what is news sistss Memeorandum WeSmirch BallBug
A company paper* Google published internally earlier this year and which I got hold of outlined some of Google’s big goals and directions for 2006. The list included several items, for example: * Google wants to have an improved infrastructure to m
An der Schwelle zum Internet der 2. Generation entstehen neue Möglichkeiten für Web-Anwendungen und neuartige Formen digitaler Netzwerke. Um die vielfältigen technischen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Potenziale in Baden-Württemberg auszuschöpfen und
D. Simmen, M. Altinel, V. Markl, S. Padmanabhan, und A. Singh. SIGMOD '08: Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data, Seite 1171--1182. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2008)