Many meeting planners are lured by the promise of free web conferencing software solutions, which sound good initially, but after a closer look are designed to hook the user into paying for costly monthly services that are free only during the 30-day tria
Many meeting planners are lured by the promise of free web conferencing software solutions, which sound good initially, but after a closer look are designed to hook the user into paying for costly monthly services that are free only during the 30-day tria
Announcing Vyew 2.0: Free Web Conferencing and Always-On Collaboration * 100% Browser-based - No downloads or installs * Shared viewing of: DOCs, PPTs, XLSs, JPGs, PDFs and more * Real-time Desktop Sharing and Screen Capturing * Tools to Whiteboard, Draw
Announcing Vyew 2.0: Free Web Conferencing and Always-On Collaboration * 100% Browser-based - No downloads or installs * Shared viewing of: DOCs, PPTs, XLSs, JPGs, PDFs and more * Real-time Desktop Sharing and Screen Capturing * Tools to Whiteboard, Draw