Internet Guide to Religion A selective, annotated guide to a wide variety of electronic resources of interest to those who are involved in the study and practice of religion: syllabi, electronic texts, electronic journals, web sites, bibliographies, liturgies, reference resources, software, etc. The purpose of the Guide is to encourage and facilitate the incorporation of electronic resources into teaching.
The Duke Center for Excellence in Ministry … founded on the work of several ongoing initiatives of Duke Divinity School in pastoral leadership and practical theology. Its vision is of a church dedicated to discipleship, focused in community, effecting real change, and embodying the New Creation brought into being by Christ Jesus.
This guide is intended to assist searchers of theological and religious information on the Internet, and is arranged according to major areas of concentration in St. John's School of Theology · Seminary. [College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University in Minnesota]
Welcome to Bible Research! This site is for Bible students who are looking for detailed information on the history of the canon, texts, and versions of Scripture. Choose a link from the menu at left, or explore with the site map.