Useat suomalaisjärjestöt – Aseistakieltäytyjäliitto, Rauhanpuolustajat, Rauhanliitto, Sadankomitea, Tekniikka elämää palvelemaan, Kristillinen rauhanliike, Naiset rauhan puolesta, WILPF:n Suomen-osasto ja ajatuspaja Creatura – ovat allekirjoittajina mukana CEOBS:n (Conflict and Environment Observatory) Glasgow’n ilmastokokoukselle osoittamassa vetoomuksessa, joka vaatii sotilaspäästöjen vähentämistä. Vetoomuksen on allekirjoittanut 27.10. mennessä 188 järjestöä. Alla vetoomus suomennettuna.
December 3 webinar hosted together with the Asia-Europe People's Forum a webinar on Military Spending & Global
(In)Security to discuss how current levels of military spending condition
our global emergencies. Speakers include: Michael T. Klare, Binalakshmi
Nepram, Tarja Cronberg and Walden Bello, and moderators will be Jordi Calvo
and Corazon Valdez Fabros.
The webinar coincides with the presentation of the book edited by GCOMS
coordinator Jordi Calvo "Military Spending and Global Security.
Humanitarian and Environmental Perspectives", published on
November 26 by Routledge. The book gives context to the discussion at
hand, reflecting on why people are not well served by nation-states when
they continuously seek to out-compete one another in the size and
destructive powers of their militaries. The webinar deals with the
scope of military spending around the world, while explaining how militarism
is linked with conflict and security threats, and how military spending
further prevent us from adequately dealing with global problems such as
climate change or the covid-19 pandemic.
by Brian Cloughley March 22, 2019: “I never asked once what the new NATO headquarters cost. I refuse to do that, but it is beautiful” — President Trump. According to NATO, the cost of its new building in Brussels was 1.1 billion Euros (1.23 billon dollars). 2019 is a year of interesting commemorations, among them the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary
October 2010: The US military is responsible for the most egregious and widespread pollution of the planet, yet this information and accompanying documentation goes almost entirely unreported.
The signatories of this Appeal demand that the governments of the world seriously address this neglected issue, and agree on a global plan for disarmament at the Rio Summit in June 2012.