WordPress (WP) has always been a highly versatile blogging platform, even way back in v1.2. So versatile that many have attempted to push it to the next level, and use it as a more conventional content management system (CMS) - not unlike Drupal, XOOPS, J
Wew, that Seesmic review is a Christmas gift ! Thank you Bobbie Johnson to consider that Seesmic will be a hit website in 2008 even though we are still building it.
GSoC Student Application Deadline Extended Wednesday, 02 April 2008 Summer 2008 Credit: Luc Viatour The Google Summer of Code 2008 student application deadline has been extended to Monday, April 7, 2008. GSoC is a great way for talented student developer
WordPress is a state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. What a mouthful. WordPress is both free and priceless at the same time. More simply, WordPress is what you use when you want