=XHTML strict + CSS compliant =No font or text formatting, sizes or colors - WYMeditor is CSS-based =Designed to be easy to integrate into your application =No installation needed - this is 100% Javascript code - no plugin, no extension =Simple Ja
=XHTML strict + CSS compliant =No font or text formatting, sizes or colors - WYMeditor is CSS-based =Designed to be easy to integrate into your application =No installation needed - this is 100% Javascript code - no plugin, no extension =Simple Ja
WYMeditor has been created to generate perfectly structured XHTML strict code, to conform to the W3C specifications and to facilitate further processing by modern applications. With WYMeditor, the code can't be contaminated by visual informations like
WYMeditor has been created to generate perfectly structured XHTML strict code, to conform to the W3C specifications and to facilitate further processing by modern applications. With WYMeditor, the code can't be contaminated by visual informations like