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    Gov. Andrew Cuomo just took the first step in creating accessible college education statewide. On April 12, Cuomo signed legislation that will enact the first-in-the-nation Excelsior Scholarship program that will provide tuition-free college for both SUNY and CUNY institutions to middle-class families and those who might not have been able to afford it beforehand. Under this plan, families making under $125,000 yearly will qualify for tuition-free college, meaning that nearly 80 percent, or more than 940,000 families with college-aged children will be eligible. The plan, proposed by Cuomo back in January, has caught the attention and approval of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and former United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Sanders commended Cuomo for his efforts toward creating easily accessible higher education. “Every American, regardless of income, must have the right to a higher education,” Sanders said. “I congratulate Gov. Cuomo and New York State for helping to lead the nation in that direction.” A driving force behind the plan lies in the estimation of 3.5 million jobs in New York State requiring an associate’s degree or higher by the year 2024. The Excelsior Scholarship program will be implemented in phases over the next three years. Beginning in the fall of 2017, families making under $100,000 will be given the opportunity to apply to the program. Within the next year, the cap will be raised to $110,000 and to $125,000 in subsequent years. Despite its seemingly beneficial attributes, the governor’s plan has been met with skepticism. While the plan claims that 940,000 families would be eligible, the amount of families who would receive the benefits would be significantly less. According to The New York Times, the plan will not cover as many families as the governor hopes it will. By the time the plan is fully enacted in 2019, director of State Operations Jim Malatras believes it will only cover 200,000 families rather than the approximate million that had been originally estimated
    vor 7 Jahren von @prophe
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