DSpace is a digital service that collects, preserves, and distributes digital material. Repositories are important tools for preserving an organization's legacy; they facilitate digital preservation and scholarly communication.
Disclaimer: This post doesn’t reflect the view of any of the organizations I’m associated with and is probably peppered with my personal and institutional bi...
With 51 workshops, 1428 accepted papers, and 13k attendees, saying that NeurIPS is overwhelming is an understatement. I did my best to summarize the key tren...
Going to a conference is always an excitement and fun: one can connect with like-minded individuals and exchange stimulating ideas. However, in order to make the most out of a conference, a lot of hard work is needed before, during and after the meeting. This blog post provides a checklist of things to do before,…
This post was originally published on the All things Linguistic blog about a year ago by Gretchen McCulloch. Gretchen started blogging as a linguistics grad student at McGill University, but is now a full-time pop linguist, bridging the gap between linguistics and the general public. She writes pop linguistics articles for various places and is currently writing a book about…
1. Österreichischen Wikiposium in Wien: Neue Tools wie Wikis und Blogs (Blikis) hielten bereits in vielen Bereichen Einzug. Vor allem Unternehmen würden sie zwecks Effizienzsteigerung im Wissensmanagement einsetzen.