The CHIIR 2024 website provides comprehensive information about the Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval. It's a key resource for researchers and practitioners in the fields of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Information Retrieval (IR), offering insights into the latest trends, research, and developments in these areas.
DSpace is a digital service that collects, preserves, and distributes digital material. Repositories are important tools for preserving an organization's legacy; they facilitate digital preservation and scholarly communication.
- "Write tests. Not too many. Mostly integration."
- Integration tests strike a great balance on the trade-offs between confidence and speed/expense. This is why it's advisable to spend most (not all, mind you) of your effort there.
- biggest thing you can do to write more integration tests is to stop mocking so much stuff
- When you mock something you're removing all confidence in the integration between what you're testing and what's being mocked.
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Multimodal Immersive Learning Systems (MILeS 2022)
At the Seventeenth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2022)
Toulouse, France, September 12th-16th, 2022.
Fuzzy Loss functions for GANs, Learning Analytics, Next Generation AI and Sustainability, Deep Learning for Melodic Frameworks
Prof. Priti S. Sajja, Sardar Patel University, India
Prof. Elvira Popescu, University of Craiova, Romania
Dr. Celestine Iwendi, University of Bolton, UK
Dr. Vishnu S. Pendyala, San Jose State University, USA
Date: Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Im Rahmen des BMBF-geförderten Metavorhabens „Digitalisierung im Bildungsbereich“ ist das Deutsche Institut für Erwachsenenbildung verantwortlich für die Gestaltung eines regelmäßigen Dialogs zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis der Erwachsenenbildung.
The goal of IFRR is to promote the development of robotics as a scientific field establishing the theoretical foundations and technology basis for its ever expanding applications, with emphasis on its potential role to benefit humans. The Foundation was formally established in 1986 following the success of a series of pioneering symposia that were conceived to provide the emerging community with a forum entirely devoted to all areas of robotics research.The School of Robotics Science is a joint initiative promoted by the IFRR and the IEEE-RAS with the aim of providing a selected number of robotics students and young researchers with an educational opportunity of the highest scientific level, which shall represent a fundamental milestone in their careers and will enable them to feed and grow their potential to become the top robotics scientists world-wide.
It is a live weekly hour-long webseries showcasing geometry processing research. Topics range from computer science, mathematics, and engineering including 3D deep learning, computational fabrication, and computer graphics. The unique format of the Toronto Geometry Colloquium pairs a 10-min opener speaking about a recent work with a 50-min headliner giving a keynote-style address
Greenlight ist eine benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche für das Open-Source-Webkonferenzsystem BigBlueButton. Sie können Ihre eigenen Räume erstellen, um Konferenzen zu veranstalten oder können bestehenden Konferenzen über einen kurzen und bequemen Link beitreten.
Gather is a video-calling space that lets multiple people hold separate conversations in parallel and walk in, out and around those conversations just as easily as they would in real life.